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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Entry 1 : My Favorite Foods

Everyone has their own favorite food. There are many kind of food. My favorite food are 'Char Kuey Teow' , fried rice and 'Tom Yam' . I used to eat 'Char Kuey Teow' when I go out with my family. I like 'Char Kuey Teow' because it delicious and tasty.

Next, I also like to eat fried rice. My parents' fried rice is so delicious and suits my taste. I prefer my father's fried rice because it is delicious and it has unique taste. I also like my mother's fried rice.

Lastly, I like to eat 'Tom Yam' which comes from Thailand. I like 'Tom Yam' because it is spicy and sour. We can eat 'Tom Yam' with rice and others. I prefer eat 'Tom Yam' with rice because it tastes good.

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